Logistic Strategy, Transportation, Trucking Solutions

First Class Trucking’s Bonded Trucking Services

We are now offering bonded trucking services! Whether your shipment is originating from a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) or a bonded warehouse for re-exporting, we’ve got you covered. 📦🌍

Bonded freight refers to goods that are transported under the control of customs authorities but not yet cleared through customs. These goods are typically stored in a bonded warehouse until the importer pays the necessary duties and taxes or until they are re-exported or transit through the USA without staying in the country. This process allows for deferred payment of duties and provides flexibility in logistics and storage.

Key Points About Bonded Freight:

  • Storage in Bonded Warehouses: Goods are stored in special facilities called bonded warehouses until they are cleared by customs.
  • Customs Control: Goods remain under customs control until duties and taxes are paid.
  • Deferred Payment: Importers can defer the payment of duties and taxes until the goods are released from the bonded warehouse.
  • Re-Export Option: Goods in a bonded warehouse can be re-exported without paying duties and taxes, making it advantageous for re-export scenarios.
  • Transit Flexibility: Freight does not have to stay at the port of arrival and wait for customs clearance. It can travel to a different destination and be customs cleared there.

Contact us today to learn more and streamline your bonded freight logistics with First Class Trucking! 🚛💨

📧 Email: csr@truckfirstclass.com
📞 Phone: +1-954-228-2441